Last train woes...
Desperate for some kind of live music, we ventured out to see a half gaijin, half Japanese band that was compared to Echo & the Bunnymen in the Japan Times. Let it be known that the Japan Times should never be trusted due to its complete lack of any factual content. Case in point: This band sounded nothing like Echo & the Bunnymen. They kind of sounded like they wanted to be compared to them, if only for one song. Actually, they seemed to have a bit of difficulty in deciding exactly which band they wanted to sound like most. The result was a mess.
After the concert--which started promptly at 8 and was finished by 10--we decided to go bar hopping. We started at one of my favorite bars, The Boy Peach. The only reason I like this bar is because they have some pretty good music--which you can request--and the bartenders will sing along to the Smiths. The drinks are cheap, too.
We were slowing losing members of the party due to last train schedules. At some point during the night I had stopped looking at my watch. My last train leaves at 1:07am. At 1:02, my friend, J., saw the time & somehow managed to get the bill, pay it, and get both of us out of the door. We rounded the corner and could see the station--with my last train pulling in! A mad, drunken dash ensued. We ran down the length of the station, rounded the corner & started running up the [very steep] stairs. Somewhere near the middle of the stairs, my legs, lungs & soul decided simultaneously that they couldn't go on. I said something to this effect, which in a drunken, melodramatic way probably went a little like this:
"I...just...can't...go...on... You go... without me. I'll just... sleep here..."
As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a hand on my back & a swift push up the stairs. I made it through the turn style, down the stairs & somehow into the still open doors of the last train, which closed right behind me.
Through all of this I've learned that a good friend is someone who will push your drunk ass up the stairs when you can't get there on your own...
Hey Jen, it's Mikey - from WAY in your past. Well, since you're only 26, I guess nothing is WAY in your past. Anyway. I thought the Blog thing was really creative and I've read of some of your trials and tribulations in the land of the rising Sun (Oh, wait, that's China) - oh, well, they're all the same. If you eat Dog and bathe with your family, you're all the same to me.
Anyway, things are OK here. Since you've left, you've become a folk hero here. All of America thinks that you invented Pokimon and we'd all like to thank you for that.
I start Spring Break this Friday and I bombed (really bombed) my first test last night. Well, a year from Friday I will start my Rotations, so they'd better bring me up to speed in the next 52.5 weeks or I'm going to kill somebody with my lack of knowledge.
I have a feeling my sarcasm won't go over well in a Pharmacy. "SURE! You can take your Viagra AND your Heart Medication together! Go for it! You're 78, I mean what do you have to lose? I'm sure they have Bingo in heaven!"
Oh, I looked over some of the medications that you got from the Japanese Pharmacy a few weeks ago. All Robitussin is is a Cough Suppressant and it doesn't interact with any other medications that I know of. Of course, drinking the entire bottle may prove counterproductive. (Hey, that's $30,000 worth of info right there! Well, that's what I have taken out in loans right now and that's pretty much all I've learned...hmmm.."
Hope this comes up OK. I look forward to hearing from you. By the way - what are some things that you can't get in Japan that I can send to you from here? Let me know!
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