Joe Jaxon
I walked home in the rain--which was supposed to be snow--after a night of drinking with the staff of the school [and, truth be told, slipping down the stairs & probably laughing too loud--in that gaijin way--about it.]... On the way home, Joe Jaxon by Volcano I'm Still Excited came on the I-Pod. It suddenly occurred to me that I am making the right decision to go home instead of renewing for another three months. This song reminds me of waiting at the light at Highland and Hillsborough Avenue, with the windows down, singing loudly & making faces at the people next to me who are looking at me funny, after a shitty day of work... Waiting to get home to check my mail, to pet my cats, to watch Catherine Crier Live on Court TV, to see W., to eat some kind of side dish for dinner, to lay with W. on the couch while watching some kind of trashy movie on HBO/Cinemax/Showtime, to eat some popcorn... Good, American popcorn that pops completely & doesn't leave those horrid little half popped monstrosities that hurt my teeth.
Shit. To even have enough room for a couch... Or a W. To be able to eat fake meat... To be able to read a menu... To not have to ask, "Kore wa niku desu ka?" and then have to follow it up with a, "hi ka iie?" which, I've been told, is a little rude...
It's official my friends... Despite all its faults and flaws, I am homesick. Joe Jaxon just reminded me.
Today marks the six month anniversary...
Sounds like a W. is a good thing to have:)
How do you blow a raspberry on this thing? Coming home is good. W is history. (raspberrrrry)
great... I remember a point in time when I took silent exception to the fact that I was not mentioned in this blog (except immediately following my visit, where it was mentioned that my return was something to look forward to, in the A-bomb era;). And now that I am mentioned, I'm (kindly/intuitively, I think) referred to as a "thing," and someone is making virtual faces at me and calling me "history." Firstly, history is written by the victors. Secondly, and more importantly, the future is what we (all) make of it. Obviously, the above poster is not too good a friend of Jennifer, as they would know the real reason we are no longer dating exclusively, and would not have cause for such low opinion of me... or, I have been grossly misrepresented.
Jen, I'm glad that you feel that you are making the right decision. You already know this, per our personal communications. Only another six months...
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