Friday, July 30, 2004

I'm not really looking, but thanks anyway

Maybe I'm feeling a bit touchy lately--could be the varying degrees of PMS I've been suffering from since landing here--but I just don't understand why people from back home tell me that they hope that I find whatever it is that I'm looking for... What does that mean? Just because I've uprooted my life and decided to move across the globe means that I'm looking for something? I was stuck in a dead end job where I was treated like complete shit. Less than shit, actually. I think, now that I've had a bit of distance [both figuratively and literally], that I was living some kind of sick existence that was the stuff of Dickens. I was being harassed at a fairly constant rate [especially towards the end] by someone who, in a perfect world, would have no desire to even think twice about me. I was expected to bend over backwards for a bunch of men that would just as soon yell at me and tell me how stupid I was as shoot something resembling a smile in my direction. Yes, my love life was great. Yes, my financial life was great. Yes, I was building equity. [technically, I'm still building equity] But my professional life was such total shit that it clouded everything else. Did I need to run away to Japan in order to see the good? No. Did I need to run away at all? Nope. Did I run away? Don't think so. However, when one is offered a chance at an experience like this, one would have to be a jackass to decline. Although the locals here probably don't think so, I'm usually not a jackass...

And what kind of comment is that anyway? "I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for,"? Am I reading the wrong tone into it? I could be wrong, but that seems like an incredibly bitchy thing to say. When I hear that [or read that, as the case may be], it seems sarcastic. It seems like something that I would say to someone that I was either angry at, or didn't like, or wished harm upon. Am I wrong here?

Granted, maybe I'm only putting that tone into it because the first person who said it to me was an angry, spiteful little man who said it with that exact tone.

So, in response to those who hope I find what I'm looking for, whether you mean it or not, thank you very much. I'm not quite sure if I'm looking for anything, but should I find it, I'll let you know.

[in all fairness, the second person who said this to me probably didn't mean it like that at all. J., I apologize for the rant. Your comment just reminded me of said spiteful little man... Sumimasen!]


At 2:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The standard "I hope you find what you're looking for" comment can mean so many things. I'm inclined to say anyone who picks up stakes to try life in another country is probably looking for something, even if it's just a change of scenery.
Since you now have a change of scenery and considerably amount of distance between you and that "spiteful little man" this would be the ideal time for you to look towards the future and leave all your spite in past.


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