The night I slept through it all
I used to say, half joking, that I slept like the dead. Now I know that statement is true. Last night I slept through my first earthquake. Apparently it was a pretty big one, too. 4.9 on the Japanese equivalent to the Richter Scale. [Somewhere in one of my books on Japan there's a description of the Japanese measurement scale, but now I can't find it... Did I imagine reading that?] It woke everyone at the school up and they all said that it was actually pretty scary. How on earth was I able to sleep through an earthquake? Especially an earthquake that even the locals thought was scary??
Although I did have something that resembled a dream about an earthquake last night. It's funny that when I'm home and sleeping and the phone rings, I usually dream about a phone ringing. Now when I'm in Japan and sleeping and the earth shakes, I dream about earthquakes. I've been promised that there will be many more before my time here is finished. I must say that I'm actually looking forward to it. There's something that fascinates me about feeling the earth move. Could it be because I come from the limestone state?
sis, you are a LOONEY!!!
WWWWooWWW JJJeenn! TTThaat's NNNeattt! IIII HHHHope ttthere aaaare nnno rrrresidual eeeeffects!
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